Sunday, August 15, 2021

Summer 2021

Finally sweet summertime! Kicked off summer break with an end of the school year swim party :)

Fun trip to Granna & Pop's house!
Target practice with Pops
Rayna was so happy to catch a big turtle :)
Fun in the sun!
My favorites <3
Ready for GAC Camp - Rylee's first time! Rayna surprised her with a letter she write <3
New bible and a special bible verse from Granna <3
All dropped off and ready for camp!
Kate, Rylee, & Taylor in "Cabin Phoebe" and ready for a fun week!
Camp pics from the week :)
REUNITED! Rylee ran out and gave her sister the first big hug <3 Missed this big girl of mine so much!!! Can't get over how much older she looks in just one week.
Rylee & her sweet councelor - Emily :)
Rylee loved every single thing of GAC! She made lots of new sweet friends, spent time with her cousins, and created lots of wonderful memories. So many fun activities, songs, and stories from camp. She already wants to go back and can't wait for next summer. Could not have asked for a better first sleep away camp experience for Rylee. We love GAC :)

Rayna had a great week at Camp Granna :) Lots of swimming, snow cones, ice cream, cuddling, and special time spent with Granna & Pops!
My girls <3
Sweet Summertime
Fun with friends :)
Gymnastics camp!
Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy Father's Day to the BEST daddy in the world!!! <3
Had such a fun vacation visiting family in Florida! Lots of swimming, spent a day at Disney's Blizzard Beach Waterpark, and enjoyed the beautiful Madeira Beach :)
Rylee had a great time at Camp Granna! They swam, had snow cones, shopped, went out to eat, went to a play, and to a car show (now she wants a mustang because it has a horse on it). So much fun and lots of special memories made <3
One on one time with Rayna :)
Splashway Water Park
Cousin sleepover :)
Fun in the sun washing cars with Daddy!
My little worm catcher - named him Squirmy
Fun birthday parties!
Mommy's birthday getaway :)
Sweet Sisters <3

Things I don't want to forget:
  • Daddy was teasing her and she said, "see that is why he is NOT funny!" then whispered to me "I just rolled my eyes at him..."
  • "sometimes I am just a little too crazy but that is how I was made so..."
  • "I crack myself up."
  • "Is there more sand or stars?" (always asks random questions)
  • "tic, tac, tick, tock, applepus, octopus, regular pus"
  • "I have lots of questions for God."
  • sneakly
  • stummy ache
  • After an hour long car ride she said, "look mommy, I didn't blink the whole time!"
  • Did a cannon ball at Granna's pool and before she jumped in she said, "look alive people and watch me!"
  • "the lonely star state" - Lone Star State
  • "I lived my best life at Camp Grannas!
  • "When I see DaddyI am going to crawl up him like a koala on a tree all the way to the top of his bald head like when there is no leaves at the very tip top"
  • "Look! There's New York City!" (when arriving into Houston)
  • "I have a big face"
  • "I love my pretty painted foot nails" (toe nails)
  • "This is so satisfying..."
  • Asked her a question in the car while driving and I she didn't answer. I said hello? And she responded, "do you now know what shaking your head means?"
  • Singing while on the potty..."I believe in China! They make everything!"
  • "Daddy, can you put it on Jesus music?" <3
  • Hey Rayna! What are you doing? " it any of your business?"
  • "Daddy, please mow. It is so itchy out here with the highness!"
  • "Was I a chubby cheekers as a baby?"
  • "Lightening is subtracted (attracted) to water"
  • Talked to Rylee while she was at Camp Granna and Rylee said she saw a double rainbow. Rayna said, "well big deal...I've seen a triple rainbow!" 

  • "I want to go to hip hop, I mean Ihop"
  • "why are legs called legs?"
  • In the airplane..."I love being in clouds"
  • "teamwork makes the dreamwork" (swinging with Rayna)
  • "This shirt makes me feel happy" (hedgehog shirt)
  • "When I float on my back I transport to the other side of the pool!"
  • "I think when you grow up Rayna your first job should be a clown because you are so funny!"
  • "I watched a "bathtism" this morning at church"
  • "Sometime my words get stuck in my mouth" - stuttering
  • "I want a purple mustang when I can drive" Rayna said, "I want a dragon!"
  • When talking to all of us Rylee always starts by saying, "Mommy, Daddy, Rayna..."